It’s Winter, Do I Still Need To Treat For Fleas?

As we snuggle up on cold, winter nights, we may be surprised to find a problem with fleas. This is because low levels of fleas on our pets can remain undetected and infest our homes. Each female flea can lay up to 20 eggs a day on your pet’s coat – that’s up to a whopping 500 eggs in her lifetime and these eggs fall off wherever your pet lies. These flea eggs can then lie dormant in the environment for some time, hatching out when the conditions become right!

What makes pet fleas hatch out?

• Fleas need a warm environment to hatch out. Their ideal temperature is around 21⁰C – which is why we see then hatch out when we switch on our central heating, or when temperatures rise in the summertime.
• They love a humid environment too
• And they are also sensitive to vibrations. This is why we find fleas hatch out when we move home to a house which has been empty for a little while

What signs will I see if my pet has fleas?

Fleas seen under micsoscope.Fleas can cause our pets to scratch and itch. In some animals this itching can become intense leading to skin infections, hair loss and broken hair, scabs and sores. In young or old animals heavy flea burdens can even cause anemia.
If your pet is itching or scratching or you see dark coloured dirt on your pet’s coat you should check for fleas. You can do this by combing the coat with a flea comb. This is a comb with narrow teeth so that it catches small items in the coat (we sell these in our reception area)). You can also put some of the dirt onto a piece of white paper, and add some water, flea dirt smears red.
Sometimes, particularly in cats, we can see signs of hair loss particularly over the back near the tail but not find any fleas. This is because cats can be very allergic to flea saliva, but because they are so keen on grooming they clean away the evidence of fleas. As well as excellent flea control these cats need treatment to stop them itching in order to solve the problem.
Although fleas generally live on our pets, and bite them to get a blood meal, they’re not too fussy so will bite us as well.
Fleas can also spread a tapeworm called Dipylidium caninum so if your pet has fleas you should worm them regularly for tapeworms too.

What should I do if I have a flea problem?

A cat sitting next to window.

Prevention is always better than cure, so ensuring that you keep your pet’s flea treatment up to date all year round is the best way to stop a problem happening. If you do discover you have a flea problem it is important both to treat your pet and the surrounding environment. This can be undertaken using tablets, spot-on preparations and some flea collars (many flea collars are not very effective – ask us for advice) Flea shampoos and powders are not effective. We recommend using products which kill adult fleas before they can breed and which give sustained protection. In practical terms this usually means a tablet or a spot-on preparation depending on your pet’s lifestyle – for instance whether they swim or not and what you want to protect against.
You may also need to use a spray to treat the environment depending on how big the problem. While some of the products available to treat fleas on our pets can also treat the environment, you may need to use a spray specifically designed for this purpose. Always follow the instructions on these sprays carefully. Flea eggs can be hard to kill so increasing temperatures in the rooms you treat and boiling kettles to increase humidity can encourage flea eggs to hatch out allowing them to be killed more effectively.

Which products should I use to keep my pet safe from fleas?Flea life cycle in animals.

We believe that your pet deserves the best in flea and worm prevention, which is why our VIP (Very Important Pet) Health Club combines the most up-to-date parasite protection to ensure they are kept safe.
If you would like to discuss a personalised flea control plan for your pet, then please come in to talk to one of the Withy Grove team.

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